what is Amnef? Amnef is the name of my country name in Simcity and Cities XL
Name: The Republic of Amnef
Government System: Semi Republic
National Anthem: Our City,Our Pride
North: Malaysia
East: Malaysia (serawak)
South: Malaysia, Indonesia
West: Malaysia,Singapura
National Fact
Population: 982,000 (2012 census)
GDP*: US$ 98 Billion (2011 est.)
GDP per capita*: US$ 20,157 (2011 est.)
HDI*: 0.790
Main Import(Drunk: Car,Electronics,Gadgets
Main Export(Drunk: Office,Metal
Major Religion: Islam (35%), Christ (35%), Buddism (24%), Other (6%)
Currency: CN (Cipin)
Conversion Rate: 1 USD = 8000 CN
Member of:
- AOWN (Association of Worldwide Nation)
- ASEAN (Association of Souteast Asian Nation)
Timeline History
900 - Hindu was grew in Federation
1200 - Islam was grew in Federation
1300 - Christ was grew in Federation
1500 - European Colonialism
1941 - World War II
1957 - Independence (still with Malaya)
1963 - Dispart with Malaya
1970 - National Industry
1999 - Be part of Indonesia
2004 - Dispart with Indonesia
2005 - recognized the world
Amnef, that's called a small country in south china sea, south east asia.
small island with a mega city on the outskirts of the river made amnef
famous in the world.and do you know, amnef is part of indonesia.
let see the history
In about the year 900, known amnef is one of the islands are
uninhabited, but some people say amnef is as a major marine base in the
northern part of Srivijaya.
than in 1150 some malaya people imigrate
to this island and make a new life.. until in 1200, the mercenary from
india and arab share their muslim religion to malaya people in amnef,
they make small city on the outskirts of the river,because they
though,river in amnef is very strategical location to do international
trade.Amnef grow in 1230 because the muslim merchant. but in 1430, the
spanish people come to malaya and borneo island.. they disturb amnef
citizen life..because many amnef people got annoyed, they tried to expel
the Spanish to leave their island,but the spanish wont and until make
little war in some location.
after 1490 the spanish gone but it
because there is England and Dutch people come..they colonize the amnef
island, and make it as merchant ship stop.
until 1942, they still colonize us.
than the world war II was happen, it made many country in south east asia free,
But that time, the Dutch government have a problem with English,
they made a pact who will have Amnef island, than english win.. than
england give free independent to Malaya,(that time amnef is part of
and in 1963 there was conflict between amnef island with malaya.. so amnef disapart with malaya and make a new country.
grew very fast in 1969, and in 1970 they do national industry
revolution, city on the riverskirt of the river was grew very fast too,
there are some highrise building and that time, they make 11th tallest
building in 1970.and until 1998, amnef was offered from indonesia too
join them.and we were agree
in 1999 amnef officialy became the part
of islands in indonesia.but the goverment of indonesia too igronant to
amnef, so amnef do a construction of their city with their own money...
in 2004, the city of amnef is like Hongkong, they make a new flag,coatofarms,name,history,ministry,rules.
and in 2010 they make 6th tallest building tower in the world again with 555m talls.
because the city, many people know Amnef!!
ok, so Amnef just built their embassy at Jakarta.
- T2 Office
- Base: 40x40
- Ploppable only (Custom Content Building Set)
Menu Location:
Office -> T2 (MSCUSTOM)

it works fine to me (cxl 2011) if you find any bugs please post here thank you

Thank you to Monty,Preyfr,Nicko for helped me
download the
Realistic Day/Night Cycle Mod for get the best reflection
RavenF wrote:
I'd suggest a version with flowers or skinny trees in front. Palm trees are really nice but don't fit in with all cities.
i provide the version without palm trees too,
you can use both of them in same time
i am sorry for all players because i forgot put tag NOZAC in the class file that caused building grow everywhere

just now i added the version with NOZAC too.. enjoy
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